Urdu Inpage is a very popular software through which we can easily write Urdu in any place. There are many Urdu software's but they work very well. This is a very old and useful thing. Through which we can make books, copies, and many other things we need to do, such as using Urdu in Coral Draw. Writing Urdu in Adobe Photoshop is a great job. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Then you can write. We have added a lot of easy pensions and high things in it. In which using legal size page, A4 size page we use any Urdu or English. If you know any other best tools in this software, give us a badge here. You can easily download it and use it in any window. Such as window 3, or 2. All the Urdu written in the world is used in the page.